Weaver + Rose Somatics

 Welcome to Weaver + Rose

Somatics, ritual folk ways, and ancestral (re)connection for times of transition.

"Somatics" is noticing and encouraging the understanding of how we are in relationship to all things. When we think about the body somatically, we're engaging with the physical body, the emotional body, the communal body, the ancestral body, and the land and earth as a body. We’re noticing the body in relationship. 

We experience these relationships through the body.

This is an expansive and depth oriented way to approach somatic work. One that lends itself to ritual and ancestral work seamlessly. It's with the same subtle sense that we access all of these realms. 


The heart of my work and the deepest way to work with me, 1:1 Somatic Support offers an extended container of somatic care and counseling


Courses I offer including RETURN: Somatic & Emotional Tools and Revive! Ancestral Connection & Folk Ways plus Web of Somatics: a 101 workshop


This container is for white people of European descent looking to challenge the systems of domination we live under through ancestral work.


Hi, I'm Stevie Joy Leigh Guiol

I am a somatic practitioner, ritualist, cultural worker and the person behind Weaver+Rose. I practice and teach from the intersections of somatic practice, ritual, ancestral work, and relational trauma healing.

Through Weaver+Rose I offer courses like RETURN: Foundational Somatic Wisdom for Coming Back to the Self, Revive! Ancestral Connection and Folk Ways for the Dark Part of the Year, and reKINdle: small group ancestral remembrance for folks of European Descent. I also co-teach a practitioner training called The Foundations of Embodied Ancestral Inquiry with my friend and collaborator Marika Heinrichs.

I’m also a doctoral student at Pacific Graduate University in the Depth Psychology with specialization in Community, Liberation, Indigenous, and Eco-Psychologies program.

At this point, I only work with a handful of folks privately through one-on-one containers including Somatic Counseling and Embodied Ancestral Inquiry. My books are currently full and I am not taking on new clients.

Check out my About Page to learn more about my work